2016年11月04日 (金)

今日のお題:桐原健真「The Birth of a Myth: Civil War and Sacrifice in Early Meiji Japan」"Anthropoetics" 22巻1号、2016年

1."Sacrifice" and "Gisei"
In Japanese, the English word "sacrifice" is also expressed with a classical Chinese word "gisei (犠牲)." These words are a perfect match. It is because "犠 gi" which is composed "牛 (cow) + 羊 (sheep as the most common offering) + 我(jagged spear to kill the offering)" means "a cow killed with a jagged spear as an offering to the Divine", and then "牲 sei" which is composed "牛 (cow) +生 (live)" means "a living cow for offering to the Divine." It can be said that "gisei" is truly an appropriate word to translate"sacrifice."

However, in contemporary Japanese, "gisei" means not only "sacrifice" but also "victim." This usage, which differs from the original meaning, appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. For example, when a Japanese newspaper reported that the Chinese emperor sent a personal telegraph to the German emperor to grieve over the death of a German minster who had fallen a victim to the daggers of the Boxers (義和団) the year before, the article used "gisei" for "victim."*

It is clear that this "gisei" was not an offering dedicated to a divinity. In this way, its primary meaning in modern Japanese, which is different from the original meaning as "a sacred offering" to something great, is "the unfortunate death" of the blameless.

*"We are deeply grieved at the death of your Majesty’s Minister who fell a victim to a sudden uprising in China which our officers had not been able to suppress.(陛下の公使が突然清国に勃起し、朕が官寮〔ママ〕の鎮圧する能はざりし暴動の犠牲となりしは、朕の深く哀悼に禁へざる所なり)" ("Exchanges of personal telegrams between Germany and Chinese Emperors" the morning edition of Asahi-shinbun. October 24, 1900. p. 2.)


Kirihara - Civil War and Sacrifice
PDF版 http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap2201/2201Kirihara.pdf
HTML版 http://www.anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ap2201/2201Kirihara.htm


そもそも、Sacrificeの訳語が犠牲ってなってるけど、現代日本語的にそれっておかしくない? 今の日本で「犠牲」って言ったとき、〈尊い命が犠牲になりました〉とか〈地震で××名が犠牲に〉とか使うのが普通だよね。献げる対象を喪失した犠牲の存在形態に、近代日本の宗教忌避的傾向がみえるのではないでしょうか〜!?


当日のパネルセッションでは、日本のとある文化人類学の大家先生が、「日本にはscapegoatというものはないんだ」と言ったけど、オマエどう思う? みたいな質問が出てきて、正直文脈が分からなくて、可能性としては、

1 よくある〈日本文化〉論
2 文化人類学的に正確な意味で定義されたscapegoatを踏まえた議論






