Daiki KATO Laboratory
Clinical Psychology, Art Therapy, and Rolefulness
Kinjo Gakuin University, Japan

We're interested in the effect of art therapy and how our psychological aspects such as personality are projected into our art expressions.
The application of art therapy methods into group setting is also an important research topic.
Promoting social skills and role satisfaction through collaborative expression are recent main topics for us.
Block Technique is one of the art therapy methods and clients express anything they desire using block toys on the plate.
It has therapeutic effects and promotes interpersonal relationships. We examine its effects using statistical methods.

Projective drawing methods (e.g.house-tree-person test) are useful to understand our personality and psychological problems. We approach how to interpret drawing works based on the evidences of numerical studies.

Rolefulness is a psychological concept which means continuous sense of role satisfaction in our daily lives. We study how rolefulness influence our mental health.
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